Sunday, August 01, 2010

Youtube Famous!

Have you ever played the Youtube game? Probably not.  I made it up. Okay, here's how you play.
  1. First you go to (duh).
  2. In the search menu, type in any subject you want ie:) fainting goats.
  3. Click on the video you want to watch. 
  4. When the video is done, DO NOT type in a new topic. You have to click on a related video that is listed on the side (ie: narcoleptic dog). 
  5. Continue the cycle and watch videos until your eyes bleed.
During the last two summers, this has been my favorite pastime. I must say, there are some very interesting people willing to do some very interesting things for the entire Youtube viewing community.

Just recently, I was watching one of my favorite Youtube shows, Shaycarl and the Shaytards. The main character, Shay Carl said something very interesting:

"Thanks for so many people watching. I've quit my job for this. This is so great. I get to spend time with my family and get paid for it."

What? I wasn't sure if I heard that right. Did he say he gets paid?  I quickly went to Google and typed in "Can you get paid on Youtube?"   Good ol' Jeeves from came through. He said, if you get enough views per posting, Youtube will email you and ask if you want to be a part of their partnership. They are willing to pay you $2.50 per 1,000 views.

Craziness right? I knew exactly what I had to do. I thought my readers should be the first to know. I am going to be Youtube famous!!! Well, I thought I was. That was until I did a little bit of research.

Before I could be famous, I needed material.
Music. Nope. I can't sing. Well I guess I could sing, but bad singers usually get made fun of on Youtube. If someone made fun of me.. I might cry.
Comedy. Nope. I'm not going to lie. I'm not that funny. The times when people laugh at my jokes is when I'm not trying to be funny at all.  Maybe they aren't laughing at my jokes.
Vlogging. I could walk around with a camera in my face all day. But it's no fun watching someone learn how to modify their cell phone so they could play more games. (I never claimed to be cool.)
After looking at all of the categories, I thought I reached a dead end. Until I clicked on the "Top Videos" section.  HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE VIDEOS? Charlie bit me? Really? Does that really deserve 215 million views?
 How about the Sneezing Panda? 71 million views.   How about Fred goes swimming? 44 million views!

You want to know something else crazy about Fred?  You should Ask Jeeves "who is this highest grossing youtuber?" Yup you guessed it.  Fred. It is reported that he grossed over $704,000 from his first season of Youtube alone! This is his 4th season!  And he's only a teenager.

Now my confidence is renewed. I think I might be pretty good recording 4 minutes of complete randomness and posting it on Youtube. Maybe I could put my camera on night-vision so you can see how my wife sleeps at night. No wait, she doesn't even have to be asleep.  She's even crazier when she's awake. If this 15 year old can walk around and scream with some weird voice and get paid for it... my options are limitless.

What do you guys think? Give me some Youtube ideas. I'm willing to try anything... almost anything. 
Wish me luck. This time next year, I will be Youtube famous!

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